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Migration Matters!

4 min read

Updated 01 May 2023

Picture of Chris McIntyre

By Chris McIntyre

Managing Director

*A version of this article originally appeared in the May 2023 Bush Telegraph newsletter. You can read our recent newsletters and sign-up to receive these in your inbox on our Bush Telegraph newsletter page.

Twice a year, in May and October, World Migratory Bird Day celebrates migratory birds and reminds us of the need for international cooperation to ensure their conservation. By raising awareness of their habits, ecological importance and the threats they face, it’s hoped that action will be taken across their major migration routes.

This year, the focus is on water, specifically the global threats to water quality and quantity.

Migratory birds rely on water and its associated habitats for refuelling, resting and breeding. Sadly, as human demand for water and encroachment on aquatic resources increases, there is an existential threat to many migratory species. Compounded by pollution and the effects of climate change, these resources are fast diminishing: an alarming 35% of the world’s wetlands have been lost in the last 50 years.

Such losses mean greater threats to many migratory birds, making the protection of rivers, lakes and wetlands an urgent imperative. Fortunately, there is some great work being done across Africa to help protect these critical natural resources. Some of Africa’s most spectacular rivers and wetlands – from Botswana’s Okavango Delta to the vast Bangweulu Wetlands in Zambia, the mighty Zambezi and the great lakes of the Rift Valley – have increasing protection and feature in our safaris. They teem with wildlife, helping to conserve many species of water birds, flamingos, eagles, cranes and storks to name a few. We have always believed that the revenue generated by responsible, sustainable tourism is a force for good in helping to protect vulnerable areas. We work hard to ensure that our partners on the ground have the same values and we support them wholeheartedly in their efforts on the front-line of conservation.

When we know in advance, we can usually arrange guides with expert birding knowledge who can focus a safari on our feathered friends. Of course, some trips are also better suited to a birding focus than others – check out the bird-watching list here for a start. From the watery wonderland of the Okavango Delta on our Pangolin Safari to the rare endemics and huge colonies of seabirds on the Seychelles, we can ensure you have the time and space to appreciate and photograph a host of bird species across the continent, as well as enjoying every other aspect of being on safari.

If you’ve been inspired and want to find out more, give us a call or enquire now to speak to an expert.

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